"The society started out as more of a social organization," says Dr. Marcus Loo. "For physicians who had been trained in China and who found themselves in the United States, to get together and basically socialize in a very meaningful way for them." -CAMS at 50
Edited by John K. Li, MD
Under the direction of the CAMS President of 2003, Dr. Daisy Saw, and Executive Director Dr. Hsueh hwa Wang, Dr. John Li complied a glimpse into the 40 year history of the Chinese American Medical Society. Dr. Li documents the growth of the Society from a small social group to the many accomplishments and activities of the Society and its contributions to the Chinese American community as well as society at large.
This book is currently out of print, however you can download the entire document: Click Here to Download CAMS at 40.pdf
Author Benjamin Coleman Hauptfuhrer's carefully curated collection of extensive interviews with past ,present, and future CAMS Presidents paints a detailed picture of the history of The Society and the physicians that helped create what The Society is today. From the Society's in the very beginnings to what the leaders of CAMS in 2013 believe to be the future direction of the Society, CAMS at 50 is in the words of those that have had the opportunity to lead CAMS for its first 50 years.
Copies of CAMS at 50 are currently available for a donation of $30 or more. Donations can be made online by completing the form below.