For previous abstracts, visit our Past Abstracts page. 

Rules for Abstraction Submission Format

  • Please use the Abstract Template (see CAMS website). Please only submit your abstract as a Microsoft Word Document.
  • Each abstract should begin with the title in CAPS, followed by the name(s), author(s), affiliation, and address with zip code.
  • The body of the abstract should be in a single paragraph, typed single space. Please provide an extra space between each subject heading.
  • Font: Please use at least a 12-point type. Font Type should be Times New Roman. 
  • The entire abstract, including title, authors, affiliation, and text should fit onto an 8.5” (width) x 11” (height) space.
  • Do not use other fonts or formats.
  • Page Margins should be as follows: Top Margin: 1”, Bottom Margin: 1”, Left Margin: 1” & Right Margin 1”. Please do not use a text box or a border.
  • The text should be divided into Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
  • Each abstract should include Content Categories. Content Categories include epidemiology, clinical science (trials), patient care, basic and translational science. Content categories should be listed at the end of the abstract.
  • Each abstract should be submitted with up to 5 key words.
  • All abstracts should be 300 words or less.

Deadlines and Mailing

  • The completed abstract must be sent by email with a MSWORD attachment to Mrs. Jamie Love at by 11:59 PM Eastern Daylight Savings Time on September 15, 2024.
  • Abstracts will be considered by the committee for one of the following types of presentation: Oral presentation or Poster presentation. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee and the first author will be notified by October 7, 2024. You will be notified of your presentation type at this time. Please provide a contact phone number and email address for the first author.
  • If accepted, the Program Committee may make constructive edits to your abstract as needed and send the abstract back for your approval. This is to help less experienced abstract authors.
  • Abstracts and correspondence should be sent to:
    All posters and PowerPoint slides for oral presentations will need to be submitted as a PDF file by 11:59 PM EST on October 15, 2023. 

Student Poster & Oral Presentation Competition

  •  Two abstracts for poster presentation submitted by medical students or medical residents will be chosen by the Research & Scholarship Committees for Awards. The first abstract chosen will be reward- ed with prize of $300, and the second prize with prize of $200.
  • First authors of the 4 highest ranked medical student/resident submitted abstracts will be asked to give an oral presentation during the CAMS Annual Scientific Conference on Sunday November 3, 2024. 
  • Abstracts selected for oral presentation will not be eligible for the Poster Competition. The award for the student or resident with the best oral presentation will be the grand prize of $500.

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