Past Abstracts - Oral Presentations from CAMS 2016 Scientific Conference
SPEXIN REDUCES ETHANOL CONSUMPTION IN MICE Michael Chang, José L. Walewski, Dieunine Anglade, and Paul D. Berk. Division of Digestive and Liver Diseases, Department of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center, New York, NY 10032. BACKGROUND: Spexin is a novel adipokine that produces weight loss when injected into obese (DIO) mice. Its mechanisms of action include central effects, e.g. appetite suppression, mediated by the GALR2 receptor, & local inhibition of long chain fatty acid (LCFA) uptake by adipocytes. Galanin is a related adipokine that, by interacting with GALR2, increases appetite for fatty foods and stimulates EtOH intake. We have shown that spexin‘s appetite-reducing effects reflect competition with galanin for binding to GALR2, suggesting that galanin’s stimulatory effects on EtOH intake might also be reduced by spexin. EFFECT OF FIBRIN MATRICES-CONTAINING HUMAN FETAL NEURAL STEM CELL ENGRAFTMENT IN RAT MODEL OF PENERATING TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY (PTBI) Lee Onn Chieng BS; Markus Spurlock; Shyam Gajavelli; Julia Janecki; Anil Mahavadi; Liz Quesada; Karla Rivera; Ross Bullock University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, 1600 NW 10th Ave #1140, Miami, FL 33136 BACKGROUND: Penetrating traumatic brain injury has been associated with high mortality as well as severe cognitive and motor deficits. Currently, there is no neurorestorative therapy for PTBI. Experimental models of PTBI such as the “penetrating ballistic brain injury” (PBBI) has shown as high as 60% engraftment of human NSC’s, but cell therapy needs to address the toxic microenvironment in the lesion core. The hypothesis of this study is that survival of human neural stem cell (hNSC) in the lesion core will be improved when they are embedded within a fibrin-matrix. DISPARITIES IN RECEIVING LIVER TRANSPLANT AMONG PATIENTS WITH HEPATOCELLULAR CARCINOMA Yang, Peter H. 1; Chou, David P.I; Ho, Vy T. 1; Chu, Xi. 1; Choi, Christine H. 1; Hillyer, Grace A. 2; Kato, Tomoaki 1; Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY 10032. 2; Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health, New York, NY 10032. 3; Chief, Division of Abdominal Organ Transplantation, NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia, New York, NY 10032 BACKGROUND: Treatment options for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) include liver transplantation (LT) and non-transplant treatments such as liver resection, ablation, and chemotherapy. Patients receiving LT have the highest 5-year survival rate across all races. Recent studies have shown that among patients eligible for transplant, a disproportionate number of Asian patients do not receive LT as compared to their Caucasian counterparts, even after controlling for clinical factors and other variables such as socioeconomic status. The present study sought to use a standardized classification system, the Barcelona Criteria, to determine whether racial disparities existed between recommended and actual treatment received. CORELATION BETWEEN INCIDENCE OF EARLY ONSET COW MILK PROTEIN ALLERGY(CMPA) AND QUANTITY OF FORMULA CONSUMPTION IN INFANT. Dr. Josephine Jung, Pediatric Department. Charles B Wang Community Health Center, 136-26 37 Ave, Flushing NY 11354 BACKGROUND: The incidence of childhood allergy has increased rapidly in recent years and no particular etiology was clearly linked to this phenomenon. There have been conflicting researches on allergy of both breastfed and formula fed infants. However, there is no research to examine the correlation between the volume of daily formula consumption and incidence of milk protein allergy. ENHANCING MEDICAL HOME SERVICES FOR CHINESE AMERICAN CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL HEALTH CARE NEEDS Sherry Shao Fen Huang, MD; Angela M. Chan, MD, MPH; Jia Lu Lilian Lin, MPH; Loretta Au, MD, MPH; Ai Li Hsin; Yongcong Liang Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, 268 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013 BACKGROUND: Chinese immigrant families of Children with Special Health Care Needs (CSHCN) face tremendous challenges in accessing appropriate health, education, and support services due to cultural and systemic barriers. This study examined the impact of a pilot program for Chinese American CSHCN. Poster 5. Jia Lu Lillian Lin.docx NARCOTIC ANALGESIC PRESCRIPTIONS AT CHARLES B. WANG COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Justin Lin1, Jennifer Lau2, Perry Pong2, Ady Oster.2 1Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, 160 Convent Ave, New York, NY 10031. 2Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, 268 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013 BACKGROUND: Overdose from narcotic analgesics have become a major health epidemic in the past few years, with prescriptions quadrupling in the past decade. In March 2016, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published a guideline on prescription opioids for patients with chronic pain to address the increase in narcotics use and overdose. This study provides an overview of narcotic analgesic prescriptions at the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center (CBWCHC) in 2015 to identify risks and areas for improvement. ASSESSING CHRONIC HEPATITIS B TRANSMISSION FACTORS AND NATURAL HISTORY IN US AND FOREIGN BORN CHILDREN Tiffany Truong1, Janice Lyu MS 2, Amy Shen Tang MD2, and Perry Pong MD.2 1University of Virginia: 324 13th St NW, Apt 3 Charlottesville, VA 2290. 2Charles B. Wang Community Health Center: 268 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013 BACKGROUND: In the United States, it is estimated that approximately 25,000 infants are born to mothers who are hepatitis B surface antigen positive annually.1 Of those children infected as infants, 90% of them will develop chronic hepatitis B (CHB).2 Universal immunization programs have decreased the incidence of CHB infection in the United States, however there are still an estimated 1000 infants infected with CHB through vertical transmission each year3. ASSESSING PATIENTS’ PREFERENCES AND SATISFACTION IN A PEDIATRIC PATIENT-CENTERED MEDICAL HOME Shirley Mo, Michelle Lei, Loretta Au, MD MPH. Charles B. Wang Community Health Center; 125 Walker St, New York, NY 10013. BACKGROUND: The Patient-Centered Medical Home model strives to improve patient outcomes through coordinated patient-centered services. Engaging patients in their health care management involves understanding their preferences. Measuring patient satisfaction assesses what patients value in health services. GALLBLADDER POLYPS IN CHINESE-AMERICANS Fong, C.1, Ling, J.2, and Cai, S1. Mount Sinai Beth Israel Department of Surgery1 City University of New York School of Medicine2 BACKGROUND: Gallbladder polyps greater than 1cm are currently resected via cholecystectomy. The benefit of surgery is unclear because many of these polypoid lesions are benign on final pathology. Previous studies have identified male sex and hepatitis B as risk factors (Lin et al., 2008). The literature suggests that 6.9-15.8% of Chinese patients will have gallbladder polyps. Of 40 patients in one series, 23 (57.5%) had cholesterol polyps, 5 (12.5%) inflammatory polyps, and 4 (10%) had adenocarcinomas (Zhang, 1991). However, these studies were done in China in the 1990s, and no recent study of the Chinese-American population exists. CASE STUDIES IN THE METHOD DEVELOPMENT OF FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY BASED ULTRAWIDE FIELD (UWF) EYE SCREENINGS IN THE MANAGEMENT OF TYPE II DIABETES AND PRE TYPE II DIABETIC PATIENTS. Brian CP Lemanski, Nicole Lemanski, Mabel MP Cheng BACKGROUND: Type II Diabetes (T2D) is a term for a set of symptoms and conditions that result from the body’s inability to regulate blood glucose levels. This dysregulation compromises vascular networks in the body including the eye, frequently resulting in diabetic eye disease and diabetic retinopathy (DR), a leading cause of vision loss. While early detection and treatment of DR has been identified as a critical factor in preventing vision loss, early vascular pathology is frequently minute and occurs in the periphery of the retina which can be missed by clinicians. Ultrawide Field (UWF) retinal imaging with needle based Fluorescein Angiography (FA) has provided a more thorough study of small vascular changes, though the risks associated with needle based FA have prevented its use for screening purposes. HYPERTENSION AND HEART FAILURE IN CHINESE AMERICANS Hui G, Wong ND BACKGROUND: While there have been some studies in the early 2000s, there has not been recent data on the burden of hypertension and cardiovascular disease in the Chinese population. There is a lack of data on the risks of heart failure and its association with hypertension among the Chinese population specifically and how they compare to people of other ethnicity. It is important to understand the burden of hypertension and heart failure in the Chinese population in order to provide better care for this growing population in the United States. Presentation 1. Gavin Hui.docx PREVALENCE AND PREDICTORS OF CHILDHOOD OBESITY IN CHINESE AMERICANS IN AN URBAN COMMUNITY HEALTH CENTER Jennifer Lau1, Loretta Au1, Eda Chao1, Michelle Lei.1 1Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, 268 Canal Street, New York, NY 10013. 2New York University Rory Meyers College of Nursing, 433 First Avenue, New York, NY 10010. BACKGROUND: Childhood obesity is a major health concern which leads to worse health outcomes in adulthood. Although Asians generally have lower obesity rates compared to other race/ethnic groups, they experience higher cardiovascular risk at any BMI. Prevalence of childhood obesity in Chinese Americans has not been well documented because of the underrepresentation of this population in national and citywide surveys. This study aims to present prevalence of overweight and obesity in Chinese Americans who visited an urban community health center. In addition, we will assess sociodemographic characteristics such as age, gender, birthplace, and grandparental care as risk factors for childhood overweight and obesity. Presentation 2. Jennifer Lau.docx INTEGRATING TOBACCO DEPENDENCY TREATMENT WITH ROUTINE CARE IMPROVES SMOKING CESSATION EFFORTS IN HIGH RISK POPULATION Ady Oster, MD; Jin Chan Lu, FNP-BC; Lie Luo; Regina Lee, JD; Rachelle Ocampo, EdM; Michelle Chen. Charles B. Wang Community Health Center, 268 Canal Street New York, NY 10013. BACKGROUND: While overall smoking prevalence in New York City has decreased (14%), smoking remains common among Asian American men (21.4%). In the Charles B. Wang Community Health Center (CBWCHC), an urban Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) serving a predominantly Chinese-speaking immigrant population, 21.5% of adult male patients identified as smokers. Smoking prevalence is influenced by gender, place of birth, and age at time of immigration. Presentation 3. Rachelle Ocampo.docx CIRCULATING OMEGA-3 POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS AND INCIDENT TYPE 2 DIABETES MELLITUS: RESULTS FROM TWO PROSPECTIVE COHORTS OF US MEN AND WOMEN AND AN UPDATED META-ANALYSIS OF PROSPECTIVE STUDIES Frank Qian, BA1; Andres Ardisson Korat, MS1; Frank B Hu, MD, PhD1,2,3; Dariush Mozaffarian, MD, DrPH2,4; Vasanti S Malik, ScD1; Qi Sun, MD, ScD1,3 1Department of Nutrition, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA. 2Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, Boston, MA, USA. 3Channing Division of Network Medicine, Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA. 4Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, Tufts University, Boston, MA, USA. BACKGROUND: In prospective studies, relationship of self-reported consumption of fish and circulating levels of omega-3 fatty acids and incident type 2 diabetes (T2D) have found inconsistent results. We tested the hypothesis that circulating fatty acid biomarkers of omega-3 fatty acids, ALA, EPA, DPA, and DHA are associated with lower incident diabetes in two prospective cohorts of women and men. Presentation 4. Frank Qian.docx ESTABLISHING A ROUTINE HIV, HBV AND HCV TESTING MODEL IN A HOSPITAL SETTING Chih H Chiang1, M.B.A., Jonathan Siegal2, M.D., Blanca M. Sckell3, M.D., Suzanne Pugh2, R.N., Wai L. Leung1, M.D., Ari L. Bunim4, M.D., Ming-der Chang1, Ph.D. 1Community Health Initiatives, 2Emergency Department, 3Ambulatory Care Center, and 4Liver Center NewYork-Presbyterian/Queens, 56-45 Main Street, Flushing, NY 11355. BACKGROUND: Although New York State and New York City have made great efforts in promoting Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and hepatitis B virus (HBV) viral screening in the community, the screening rates have been low in Queens County. To increase the identification of infected individuals and connect them to care, NewYork-Presbyterian/Queens (NYP/Queens) launched the Viral Testing Initiative (VTI) project to dramatically increase routine HCV, HBV, and HIV tests among our adult patient population. Presentation 5. Chih H Chiang.docx CLINICAL MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES FOR MYCOBACTERIUM MARINUM INFECTION OF THE HAND AND WRIST Amy Yao1, B.S.; Haoming Xu1, B.S.; Tiffany Y Sia2, B.A.; Danny Fong3, M.D 1Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, USA. 2Columbia College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York, NY, USA. 3Division of Plastic Surgery, Mount Sinai Beth Israel Medical Center, New York, NY, USA BACKGROUND: Infection with Mycobacterium marinum often affects the structures of the hand and wrist following exposure to aquaria. However, treatment of infection involving the deep tissue structures is controversial in the literature. DECREASED GUT MICROBIAL DIVERSITY IN KIDNEY TRANSPLANT RECIPIENTS WITH POST-TRANSPLANT DIARRHEA Lisa Zhang1, John Lee1(Research Mentor), Matthew Magruder1, Darshana Dadhania1, Muthukumar Thangamani1, Lilan Ling2, Ying Taur2, Eric Pamer2, Manikkam Suthanthiran1 1Weill Cornell, NY,NY 10065 2Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, NY,NY 10065 BACKGROUND: Diarrhea is a common complication in kidney transplant recipients. 80% of post-transplant diarrhea cases, however, are of unknown etiology and most physicians attribute the diarrhea to immunosuppressing medications that are used to prevent kidney rejection. Little is known about the bacterial changes in post-transplant diarrhea. This project aimed to gain insight into the microbial changes in post-transplant diarrhea by unbiased characterization of the gut microbiota using 16S rRNA deep sequencing. Presentation 7. Lisa Tian-Tian Zhang.docx |